We call this one the "BECKER" on our bars...
Can you guess why?
Go on then, I'll tell you...
KRAFT Gin is made in collaboration with our next door neighbours German Kraft Beer. This G&T is a champion, fiery, ginger ace.
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Check out the Becker below...
Grapefruit G&T with Spicy Ginger and Zesty Lime
Rated 5.0 stars by 5 users
Grapefruit Gin and Tonic with Ginger and Lime
Prep Time
2 minutes
A popular, refreshing gin cocktail that is super simple and quick to make at home.
Author:Jim ft. Chief Mixologist Seb

50ml KRAFT Hopped Grapefruit Gin
150-200ml Ginger Ale (or if you like it more spicey swap it out for Ginger Beer)
Plenty of cubed ice
x1 Lime
Grab a large copa (aka balloon) glass...
Try to ensure your glass is pre-chilled and not warm. To do this, you can fill it with some ice and swirl it round for 15 secs and then discard this ice. However, if you don't have that much ice to mess around with, swill your glass under some very cold water. Just make sure that glass is nice and cold somehow yeah!...
Now the good stuff, add 50ml (i.e. a double shot) of your KRAFT Hopped Grapefruit Gin...
Add plenty of cubed ice. IMPORTANT: ice that bad boy all the way to the top to reduce dilution and a watery cocktail...
Crack open your ginger ale (or ginger beer) and pour into your glass...
Slice up your lime and drop in a juicy wedge into your glass...
Give it a all a gentle stir...
Sit back and enjoy your fancy Citrusy, Ginger and Lime G&T!
Recipe Video
Recipe Note
Check out our popular Kraft Hopped Grapefruit Gin and Tonic Gift Box, which contains a bottle of 'Kraft' Gin plus 2 J&T balloon glasses, 2 Franklin & SonsGinger Ale and 2 Franklin & SonsMallorcanTonic water.